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Getting Ready For A Road Trip

As the COVID-19 virus starts ease in Australia, many of you are eager to get out and about again. We have put together this blog with helping you get ready for a road trip when the virus lockdown is lifted.

As the world is dealing with this Covid -19 virus, Australia has been lucky to be an Island nation. Actually we are a huge Island nation.

Australia is ¾ the size of North America with only 26 million people compared to America`s 300 million, So we have vast distance with miles & miles of road.

Travel Restrictions Easing

As I write this blog The Federal Government is starting to ease travel restrictions.

Which means a bit of freedom at last, while the Aviation industry is still grounded, 

People will start getting into their cars & go for a road trip. Anything to get out & get some fresh air.

But with any destination a bit of planning at the beginning will go a long way for an enjoyable trip.

Road Trip Checklist

First – How far is the trip?

How far do you want to travel and what type of roads and terrain will you be driving on and in?

100km, 200km, 1000km, 2000km or possibly over 5000km.

Second – Is your car up to the challenge & load required for such a trip?

Example – I cringe when I see people go on a long road trip with a 18 year old car with over 250 000km with no accurate service history.

Simply the car is old, Yet for a turbo diesel Toyota Landcruiser, this is nothing.

 What you really need is a accurate assessment of your vehicle for the trip ahead.

This is where Manny`s Mechanical Repairs can help you

How Manny’s Mechanical Repairs Helps You

  1. We begin with the foundations of the car- Tyres, steering, suspension, brakes
  2. The power-train engine, transmission, differential & related components ie radiator & hoses.
  3. Electrical
  4. Accessories

Everything we provide is done in a focused organised efficient & recorded manner

Getting Ready for A Road Trip

We are Essential mechanics that keep the world moving,

We provide Essential repairs to the vehicle to help our Doctors & Nurses get to their work & fight this virus.

We are Essentially here for you to provide an essential service for your car to get where you want to go with safety & efficiently.

Enjoy your trip! 

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

Manny’s Mechanical Repairs is OPEN!

Manny`s Mechanical Repairs is open for Essential Business!

To Serve, To Perform & To Guide

To Serve: We are here to help you, we are here ensure your car is efficient & most importantly Reliable

To Perform: Manny’s is one of the best equipped diagnostic/ Tuning workshop in Brisbane. We specialise in getting the most Safety, Performance & Efficiency out of your vehicle. We go the extra mile!

To Guide: This is what makes us different from our competitors, apart from our good looks, is that we like to discuss your 1-3-5 year goals for your car. We can give you a running platform with a plan on how to achieve that. We take notes & organise, we keep accurate records of repairs & servicing so when its time to sell there is a smooth transition without stress.

Manny’s Mechanical Repairs is OPEN!

 But essentially reliability is the most the pressing issue while we are in this CORONA- VIRUS state.

Manny`s Mechanical repairs is here for you!

Manny`s Mechanical repairs will help you the best way we can by taking the Challenge on.

For all your Safety, Servicing & tuning needs call Manny- WE ARE OPEN!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site