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Manny’s Mechanical Repairs has been growing year after year. There is nothing that can substitute good, hard, consistent work, but it also comes down to values. It`s our code, our ethos or our mission which is: To Serve, To Perform, To Guide.

To Serve

Customers are everything! (Try and run a business without them) At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs, we listen to our customers’ needs and problems, then prioritize the steps required to solve the issues in good bilateral communication. We develop an ongoing relationship. Simply put, it’s an honour to serve customers.

To Perform

You have to be good at what you do. You have to know and master your work. Confidence, ability, skills, diagnostic procedures and the ability to learn and grow – balance this out with excellent equipment and anything is attainable, providing you have the desire to be better. Manny`s Mechanical Repairs are constantly reviewing, how can we be better? How can we strive for better mechanical repair excellence?  Manny`s is focused on developing skills for the future where computers, data transfer, electrical and tuning will become critical.

To Guide

Cars are becoming more and more complex. (So is the world!)

The customer who continually keeps their car consistently serviced and repaired to standards generally has no problems selling their car and has actually made money on an older car! Here at Manny`s Mechanical Repairs, we advise and quote on future repairs that may be required -this gives the customer a sense of control, so they can budget for future repairs.

To end this blog, there is a saying that goes IF YOU CANNOT MEASURE IT, THEN YOU CANNOT MANAGE IT!

MANNY`S` MECHANICAL REPAIRS has a system of checking, measuring and relaying your automotive information, then acting on what requires to be done ensuring PEACE OF MIND.

– Manny, 0411 496 621
To serve, to perform, to guide.


At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site