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Car Services

Cars are complex- make no mistake about it.

Electrics, computers, can-bus communication and all other necessities, there is a protocol which technicians have to follow- unfortunately the general public has no idea what is required so here is a attempt to demystify the whole process of servicing.

What is in a Car Service?

A service can be broken into three categories

  1. Parts
  2. Consumables
  3. Labour


  • basic general service for a car only

car services

The vehicle is checked over for damage & scratches before test drive-test drive incorporates, listening for knocks, squeaks, rattles, driving braking shuddering. a full electronic check- load test battery @150-200 amps & monitor load performance, light check, interior lights power windows, perform full electronic computer scan-with report, check fuel trims.- under bonnet, check drive belts, check for any leaks (coolant or oil) check brake fluid & coolant concentrations, check radiator& cooling system, top up all levels.

Jack up car (HALF WAY) – check steering and suspension (shock absorbers, ball joints)  remove wheels check tyres-note condition, rotate tyres-check tyre pressures. Check brakes- include brake hoses , adjust brakes & hand brake.

Fully jack car up – drain oil, replace oil filter, check gear box & differential oil levels, inspect & report exhaust damage, engine & transmission mounts, check for lower suspension wear (IF ANY)-Check drive shafts(for torn boots or cv damage),tail shafts, grease if applicable. check for any structural damage or rust.

Lower car – fill with correct fresh oil- check air filter- replace if necessary, start vehicle-check for leaks-test drive.

Time is about 1- 1.5 hours price approx $120- $189.


If your car has a turbo (Diesel or Petrol) only full synthetic oil will be used.

Oil prices can range between $60- $120 –depending on make/model.

  • Oil filter approx $18-$38
  • Air filter approx $22.00- $80.00
  • Fuel filter approx $35-$145
  • Spark plugs range from general plug $8.00 each to $55+ each ( may take 8 plugs


  • Wiper blades  $12- $66.00 each
  • Coolant $15.00 a litre
  • Brake fluid $22.00 a litre

Car Services

I have bared my soul when it comes to servicing prices my opposition will of course undercut me because that is business- A word of warning-beware of cheap service prices-gimmicks or gurus when you use a booking agency-you are sending money overseas(THEY TAKE 30% OF THE BOOKING FEE).., to finish  a small 4 cylinder car which is constantly serviced average price is around $250 – $300. Diesel 4wd can be around the $450 + diesel parts can be expensive-but i strongly recommend a diesel fuel filter with every service

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I hope this has helped – Manny 0411 496 621

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site