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Manny’s Mechanical Repairs is OPEN!

Manny`s Mechanical Repairs is open for Essential Business!

To Serve, To Perform & To Guide

To Serve: We are here to help you, we are here ensure your car is efficient & most importantly Reliable

To Perform: Manny’s is one of the best equipped diagnostic/ Tuning workshop in Brisbane. We specialise in getting the most Safety, Performance & Efficiency out of your vehicle. We go the extra mile!

To Guide: This is what makes us different from our competitors, apart from our good looks, is that we like to discuss your 1-3-5 year goals for your car. We can give you a running platform with a plan on how to achieve that. We take notes & organise, we keep accurate records of repairs & servicing so when its time to sell there is a smooth transition without stress.

Manny’s Mechanical Repairs is OPEN!

 But essentially reliability is the most the pressing issue while we are in this CORONA- VIRUS state.

Manny`s Mechanical repairs is here for you!

Manny`s Mechanical repairs will help you the best way we can by taking the Challenge on.

For all your Safety, Servicing & tuning needs call Manny- WE ARE OPEN!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

Why You Must Keep Your Car in Safety Certificate Standards

Car accidents takes an average of 300 lives a year on Queensland roads alone (Nationally around 1200 lives are lost) and that’s why you must keep your car in Safety Certificate standards at all times.

If you use the 80/20 Pareto principal this then turns to average of 1150 serious accidents on Queensland roads per year.

To think this cannot happen to you is naïve at best!

Car Accident Investigation Team

A car accident where there is a serious injury or worse will call in a Accident Investigation Team who use facts & logic of some 1000 or more points to find out the exact cause of the accident.

Generally, this is divided in categories of –

  • Driving characteristic or error
  • Environmental – Bad roads, poor visible signage
  • Mechanical defects

The investigation provides accurate Data which is passed to Local, State or Federal Governments, The Police, The Department of Transport & Insurance Companies.

Car Safety Certificates

As the driver you are responsible for the way you drive & for keeping your car in safe standards without faults.

If by chance a mechanical fault is the contributor or cause of the accident, then the insurance company may not give you a pay out for your policy.

Simply go into any Car Insurance Company & read their Terms & conditions.

“How do I know if my car is in Road worthy or Safety Certificate Standards?”

Good question.

The Answer is you do not know unless you have a proper Safety Certificate Examination by a qualified Examiner.

“But I just had my car serviced it should be ok shouldn’t it?”

Should is a dangerous word because it`s not based on facts.

 Truth is a service is not a inspection its merely a routine of maintenance done at different levels depending on the skill (or lack there) of the service technician & how much you are willing to pay.

If you take car to a tyre shop or a muffler shop or get cheap shop a docket specials or use a cheap undercutting marketing website or worse use a cheap lazy mobile mechanic who is so lazy to jack up your car (the ‘she’ll be right mate’ attitude will not be good enough).

You are only deluding yourself & opening up yourself for serious consequences in the event of a accident.

Why You Must Keep Your Car in Safety Certificate Standards

As a car owner:

  • I would demand a thorough safety inspection on my car at every service with a written report & signature
  • I would demand to know who is working on my car?
  • I would demand to know what credentials has this technician.?
  • I would demand to know has the workshop the appropriate equipment & what quality parts are you using & are you using the correct oil.
  • I would get clear & concise information on what has or has not been done to my car written down in a clear legible manner with signature.
  • I would demand the best I can afford.

Manny`s mechanical repairs specialises in excellent thorough inspections with every service. We also record your emissions, computer scan every car, load test batteries, record battery charge & alternator output we thoroughly go over your car can also measure torque & horsepower!

When it comes to your car or that for your children who are driving – pay for the best, it may save your life!

My favourite saying is this:

‘If you cannot measure it, Then you cannot manage it!’

Only through Periodic systematic organised transparent checking can you be assured your car is safe.

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

Emission Testing North Brisbane

2020 has started with ridiculous heat, a national drought & terrible bushfires in Victoria, New South Wales & parts of South Australia. 

Not a good time to take a holiday in Hawaii..

Due to these events that have just mentioned, here at Mannys Mechanical Repairs, we have decided to lead the charge with implementing emission testing North Brisbane.

This testing will happen on all vehicles when serviced & repaired and on safety certificate inspections.

Vehicle Emission Testing

We have just upgraded on a new Gas Analyser to measure vehicle emissions on Petrol, Diesel, LPG & Natural Gas-

We can supply a print out on the state of your vehicle emissions at idle (sitting in traffic) & at 3000 rpm (cruise modes).

CO: Carbon Monoxide

The combusted dangerous gas that can kill in high concentrations. The lower the reading the better generally we are looking less than .5% with a good catalytic converter this can be down to 0%

HC: Hydrocarbons

is the unburnt fuel- left in the combustion process- This is a major polluter & effects the ozone layer. Hydrocarbons are measured in parts per million (ppm) the lower the better!

Co2: Carbon dioxide

Carbon Dioxide is a result of the combustion process- the higher the percentage the better combustion process which means the engine is running efficiently- still high levels of carbon dioxide cause Green house effect – possible global warming

O2: Oxygen

is measured- excess level of oxygen means there is a possible exhaust leakage which can effect emission readings or a engine fault. Though the gas analyser is a balance system- if there is a abnormal reading it will show irregular readings on the other settings.

NOx: Nitrogen oxide

This one is the bad one- a mixture of nitrogen & oxygen added with fuel hydrocarbons(Diesel)  Nox is released under extreme combustion heat- To combat this manufactures add a EGR- Exhaust gas recirculation system to cool & lower NOx .

 NOx gases causes Acid rain & Asthma.

Lambda & Air/Fuel Ratio

The ideal air/fuel Ratio for petrol is 14.7:1, Diesels can range from 14.5 :1 to  20 :1 That is 20 air molecules to 1 fuel molecule. lambda is a nominated reading by the engine software calibrator but generally a lambda of 1 is 14.7 :1 reference

Emission Testing North Brisbane

By reading the above, you can be assured we take our work seriously.

Global Warming is serious stuff and we can do our part to ensure vehicles are properly serviced, tuned & keep the polluters off the road.

 Manny`s Mechanical Repairs is leading the way!


Let’s make Greta happy!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

Ford Specialist Enoggera

Manny’s Mechanical Repairs is your Ford Specialist Enoggera. We specialise in servicing, repairs and tuning.

Fords I Have Serviced

Ford Ba-Fg XR6

The “Barra” is probably the best engine built in Australia. After the disaster of the AU in late 1999-2001, Ford came bouncing back with the Barra engine, Dual overhead cam; then added with a turbo this engine became legendary & still is sought after today.

Huge power can be gained from this 6 cylinder master piece.

We here at Manny`s have fixed issues with variable solenoids, ignition issues, fuel pressure regulators & faulty injectors. Check past videos

The Boss V8

The XR8- 5.4 litre double overhead cam is my personal favourite. Nothing beats low down power like a V8, but these engines need tweaking.

Extractors, high flow exhaust, under size pulley; we have all the equipment & the specialized tooling to tune & replace the dreaded rear end differential bushes, tooling to support the engine & fit extractors & tune your vehicle with SCT Software.


This 5 cylinder Volvo Duratec engine hot hatch is a favourite.

Issues with alternators, Cooling system, timing belts are no problem with Manny Mechanical Repairs.

Ford Mondeo – Turbo diesel

The Ford Mondeo is one the best cars that came from England. This turbo diesel vehicle handles smooth & has great fuel economy.

We have all the specialised equipment to service, replace timing belts & high pressure pump test equipment to keep this classic going.

Ford Focus- Petrol & Turbo diesel

The focus is a good little car. We have had to deal with issues with cooling systems, leaking radiators & cracked header tanks. With the Turbo Diesels we have had to replace high pressure fuel pump & a lot  of issues with catalytic converter pressure diaphragm sensors.

We have dedicated equipment to replace timing belts.

Ford Fiesta

The Ford fiesta is a great little budget car. Common issues with the fiesta are; overheating (due to seized thermo/radiator fans), thermostat housing leaking, header tank cracks & radiators leaking, engine breather bypass hoses deteriorating effecting idle issues & Fuel economy.

Ford Specialist Enoggera

We are dedicated Ford Repairers.

Knowledge is power- Power is organised effort!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

What is a Catalytic Converter?

The last two blogs have been about air flow at high engine speed through variable valve timing(  keeping the intake valve on longer @ higher speeds) The other blog was on precise relation & correlation between the valves and crankshaft through a timing belt.

Today I will talk about Catalytic Converters.

In the last 6 moths a number of customers have come into the workshop & Mannys Mechanical with the engine light on. Once scanned the dreaded fault code P0420 Catalyst system below threshold has been recorded. What does this mean? and why is it so expensive to fix?

What is a Catalytic Converter?

In 1986, Australia outlawed anti- knock agent Tetraethyl – Lead made it compulsory for cars to use Unleaded petrol. Also cars were fitted with catalytic converters in the exhaust system. A catalytic converter converts harmful unburnt fuel (hydrocarbons) into a inert gas.

A catalytic converter uses precious metals to react with the incoming exhaust gases in a ceramic monolith with a honeycomb structure.

The catalyst itself is most often a mix of precious metalPlatinum is the most active catalyst and is widely used, but is not suitable for all applications because of unwanted additional reactions and high cost. Palladium and rhodium are two other precious metals used. Rhodium is used as a reduction catalyst, palladium is used as an oxidation catalyst, and platinum is used both for reduction and oxidation. Ceriumironmanganese, and nickel – this list pretty well explains the expensive metals used & hence the cost.

There are a few different catalytic converters – a two way & three way. For catalytic converters to be effective the temperature must be around 426celcius. Which is why they are usually incorporated in the exhaust manifold & this is also the reason why oxygen sensors also have heating elements.

The picture above shows Kamahl holding a brand new Catalytic Converter incorporated with engine pipes to suit a Subaru Outback $2698.00 – yet they sell on Ebay for $400.

Would I buy from Ebay?

Not in your life. You will be lucky to get 4 months before it fails again. Heaps of after- market cheap rubbish do not use the precious metals listed above to last.

What do they mean P0420 Catalyst below threshold?

Generally there are two Oxygen sensors – a pre-catalytic converter & a after catalytic converter. They do a few jobs (Look at KAMAHL holding the cat` you will see one small hole and a extension where the oxygen sensors fit)

  1. They monitor how much oxygen is in the exhaust emissions and they measure is the catalytic converter reaction buy monitoring the change of state (threshold). If  the post cat sensor mirrors the pre-cat sensor, then the catalytic converter is not doing its job the fault code P0420 is registered. This information is monitored & compared through the computer in a term called closed loop.

What Causes the Failure?

There are number of reasons that can cause failure of a Catalytic converters. Vibration is probably the biggest killer. Exhaust systems have engine pulses which travel thousands a time a second these pressure waves can eventually break away the inner supporting structure-excessive over-fuelling through poorly tuned engines, coolant is one of the biggest killers- when a vehicle excessively over heats causing coolant to get in the exhaust system. Age, I am seeing vehicles around the 10 year mark coming in with this problem/fault code.

It’s so expensive to fix should I worry about it?

Well Yeah! When engine and emission lights come on, your vehicle is immediately un-roadworthy & if these hooligan climate activists have their way about climate change (running around half naked chaining themselves to toilet blocks & moving TRUCK WHEELS) will eventually  force Governments to crack down on vehicle emissions.

This could mean you, the car owner & me the automotive repairer will face some serious fines if the repairs are not carried out immediately.

What this does do?

It puts serious stress on. Say single mothers  to get their cars fixed straight away, whether they can afford it or not-..I would love to check  the car emission status on all these screaming activists & see how well kept their cars are- people in green house glass houses should not throw stones!

I hoped this has helped- Manny

Knowledge is power- Power is organized effort!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

What are the VVT or VTEC Letters on your car?

The last blog the topic was on the timing belt & the importance of the correlation of exact timing between the camshaft & crankshaft. In this blog, we explain what are the VVT or VTEC Stickers on your car.

The key to engine power is air flow/air density. The trick is to get as much air molecules compacted into the engine cylinder as possible when the piston goes down the cylinder on the induction stroke.

The pictures below shows a easy pathway for the air to travel (In this great cutaway example). The more air the greater force generated on the piston during power combustion, resulting in more torque at the crankshaft. The amount of air filling the cylinder is known as volumetric efficiency. 

VVT or VTEC Stickers

The intake valve is the gate way for air entering the engine cylinder. This is the V part of the initials in VVT. The valve is controlled by the camshaft either directly on top or by a push rod & lever shown by the different example photos. The camshaft has two important roles:

  1. It lifts the valve off its seat to a specified distance (valve lift or valve curtain area)
  2. It keeps the valve open for a certain time (valve duration)

 So all this thermodynamics is good but the problem is volumetric efficiency described above.

Most car engine revolutions (revs) about 7000rpm the speed of the piston is so fast that there is not enough time for enough air to fill with cylinder in milliseconds, so eventually the engine runs out of air at high rpm resulting in loss of power.

Then in the late Eighties Honda came up with Variable cam shaft profile. This is the other V in the initials. In the late eighties the Honda engines were so good with immortal drivers of Ayrton Senna , Nigel Mansel , Alain Prost, that they kicked butt out of the opposition.

The Variable part allows the camshaft to open the valve longer & even higher at different rev ranges also by being able to control exhaust valves emissions. Technically the intake valve can be opened longer at precise high engine speeds allowing more air to enter the cylinder. The volumetric efficiency as described before can go higher than a 100% normally aspirated, but add a good turbo like Honda did back in the 80`s, they were getting over 1000hp from a 1.5 litre engine with over 160% efficency!

There are many variants of control applied in The Variable Valve Timing (VVT). The most common is oil pressured phasers which are computer pulse width activated via a oil pressured activator. The Hondas use a pin locator and Holden use a special lifter to deactivate cylinders in their AFM vehicles.

VTEC Car Maintenance

If you have a car that has VVTOR VTEC, well then use good quality synthetic oil!

The trend of car manufacturers is to make smaller capacity engines which mean lower emissions but with excellent power output.

What are the VVT or VTEC Letters on your car?

Variable Valve Timing is now nearly in all makes & models.

Manny`s Mechanical  Repairs helps you understand more about your vehicle.

We invest in the best equipment, we go to the best courses, we continually use the best parts, the best oil & use the best skill on your car.

I hope this has helped.

Knowledge is power- Power is organized effort!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

What is Timing Belt?

Have you ever wondered what a Timing Belt is? 

Engine breathing & more important air flow is the heart & soul of good performance of a internal combustion engine.

How a Timing Belt works

I have selected 3 pictures to try to capture the job of a timing belt. The quintessential word here is “TIME”.

A brief run down:

In a nutshell the engine is a air pump with a piston moving up & down. The down speed of the piston causes a negative pressure (vacuum) and air enters the chamber via a intake valve (this can be through one or two valves) –  Induction Stroke.

The intake valve closes at a precise time, when the piston moves up it compresses the air & injected fuel (compression stroke) and the spark plug fires, causing a combustion process resulting in a flame front & high pressure. The combustion pressure forces the piston down at a precise time sending torque down the crankshaft turning linear force into rotating torque (power stroke).

As the pistons ends the downward travel, the exhaust valve opens at a precise time. The piston then moves back up pushing exhaust gases out the exhaust valve (exhaust stroke).

Why Do I have to Replace the Timing Belt

Timing is the issue & it has to be precise. To open & close valves at the precise time in relation to piston position, this requires a timing belt. These timing belts are due to be replaced approximately every ten years or at 60 000km – 100 000km. Some makes have different time intervals, so please refer to your repair manual for the exact times.

Stretched timing belts can throw the whole series of engine stroke events totally out of sync with the valve events, resulting in poor performance, poor fuel economy even possible engine failure!

Why so expensive to replace?

Replacing timing belts should also incorporate replacing the water pump. Some vehicles may require the engine to be removed from the car to replace the timing belt.

Many manufactures require special holding and locking tools to hold engine components in the exact position to install the belts. This can be very expensive just to get the right tools to do the job.

What is a Timing Belt?

Manny`s Mechanical repairs specialises in engine Tuning & excellent fuel economy, replacing timing belts, water pumps & timing chains. We ensure your vehicle is up to date & have the equipment to measure good fuel economy & power. Replacing timing belts is critical & should not be avoided costing can be around $1000.00 including labour(approx.), but that is better than losing your engine due to hubris or neglect.

I hope this has helped.

Knowledge is power- Power is organized effort!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

Why a Well Maintained Car Battery is Essential

The car battery is the heart & soul of your electrical system in your car – that’s why we have put together this blog on why a well maintained car battery is essential for your car. 

What is a Car Battery?

The Car Battery is made up of chemical components that react with each other creating an abundance of electrons in a 2 volt cell. This cell is added with another 6 cells to make 12 volts.

This analogy can be compared to your beating heart. Your heart pumps blood to every blood vessel in your body, and the blood carries oxygen to nourish every part of the human body.

Your heart is a pump –The car Battery is sort of a pump. It is actually a pressure vessel of electrons (Volts).

The electrons is in a way similar to your blood vessels in that they travel in a direct current (DC) to a consumer or a resistor. The current  (is Amps) the consumer or resistor ( are Ohms).

This direct current can be applied to a rotating conductor and produce alternating Current (AC).

Why a Well Maintained Car Battery is Essential

So why is a well maintained car battery so critical?

As mentioned before the electrons are pushed by the battery to every electrical load – ie. the stater motor, fuel pump, fuel injectors, ignition system, anti-lock braking system and air bag module just to name a few.

Because of so many demanding loads, batteries generally last about three years.

So you asked why is a well maintained battery so critical? If the pressure applied by the battery begins to deteriorate, this can cause slow response and application.

For example a starter motor needs at least 100-150 amps to rotate at speed if this is not met hard starting may occur. It is at this critical time that a big load is demanded of the battery and not only has the battery supply – the starter motor – but also electrons to the computer, fuel system, ignition systems and fuel injectors.

A good battery backed by a good charging system must keep the battery at a particular sustained voltage. This sustained voltage is used as a reference voltage for critical components like air bag system monitoring, traction control & anti lock braking.

If this voltage alters or loses integrity a chain of events can occur possibly resulting in a air bag not deploying at the most critical times.

My first step when diagnosing a vehicle that has emission or engine performance issue to TEST THE BATTERY FIRST!

This is done by applying a external load to the electrical system or battery. We then monitor the battery under load to see the reserve voltage capacity there must be at least 10.5 volts under load and if this is not met it is time to GET RID OF THE BATTERY!

Electrical systems require to be tested under load at different heat ranges.

Why do some batteries fail so early?

Some of the biggest killer of batteries are excessive under bonnet heat and excessive vibration and also ridicules “doof doof” stereos that can blow your ear drums with a low amp alternator.

Also letting your car sit for months on end or simply not driving it enough can be why some batteries fail early.

Some computer modules do not always go into sleep mode, they stay awake waiting for someone who will break into the car.

The little electric clock staying on drawing a minuscule amp compounds after months of inactivity. This is why a car requires to be driven and driven a lot.

But one of the biggest killer of batteries is an under-performing alternator. A poor performing alternator resulting in undercharging the battery can result in another chemical reaction called sulphating.

The sulphating destroys the chemical composition in the battery stopping the metamorphosis of producing highly charged electrons.

Tuning & calibration

Rule number one – you cannot tune or calibrate a car with a poor maintained battery!


It has amazed me that some under-performing cars have come to my workshop running so poorly with excessive knocking only to have a flat battery.

Car Battery Mechanic

Click here for a video on how to test your battery.

Please call me for any intelligent issues with your car.

 I hope this has helped.

Knowledge is power- Power is organized effort!

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site No Comments

Accurate Car Diagnostics Brisbane

Accurate Car Diagnostics Brisbane is the most vital skill to a successful car repairer, service man or tuner. 

As a business owner I am continually reviewing on how we can make the business better in the service-calibrate-repair business.

The number of times I receive phone calls of potential customers wanting to immediately know the price to fix a complex automotive problem is a very frustrating & a on-going scenario – especially when we do not know or have examined the problem or have no service history of the vehicle.

We also have to deal with immediate gratification society

A wrong comment, information, diagnostic or quote can lead to possible serious litigation consequences.

Accurate Car Diagnostics

Ok. You have a problem with a car..,

So let us start with some serious psychological analogy that must be changed straight away

  1. Cars are now computers on wheels, make no mistake- they require serious protocol.
  2. Fixing a problem requires time, So make time to get the car checked out & get other transportation to get by- & please- please- please make sure the car has at least ½ tank of fuel .
  3. Be very wary on who is diagnosing your problem & have they got the right diagnostic equipment- the old adage “Garbage in- Garbage out.” It amazes me how I have to deal with a customer who has had a wrong diagnosis from a tyre shop or a muffler shop.
  4. Totally not interested in customers who only focus on price or supply their own parts.
  5. Focus on the problem one at a time-
  6. This is the Biggy!-  If you think Mechanics/Technicians are bogans or are inferior forms of human evolution- WHO SHOULD ONLY CHARGE PEANUTS.., because we do not have a university degree & that what we do is your perception of mediocrity- you will get my steel cap boot up your Google one star…….. rating!

Why Choose Manny Mechanical Repairs for Car Diagnostics

Fixing a problem is a process that must be backed up by accurate data.

Here is what we do:

  • Complaint – Accurate information supplied by the customer is so vital, when, where, how? @ what temperature cold or hot, what speed ? turning left or right- Get the picture..,
  • Procedure – Test driving the vehicle requires verification of the problem. From here.., It cannot be stressed that the correct symptom is itemized, this may require test driving with the customer to again verify the problem.
  • Course of action – Once the symptom/problem has been isolated & confirmed- measure, checks & the system has to studied with correct diagnosing equipment – in the case of engine performance issues this is further broken down to Air- Fuel- Mechanical- Ignition areas- until the cause is found- once the cause is located two vital pieces of information are now known- cost & time how long it will take to fix.
  • Under no circumstances do we guess!
  • The last part is a summary of the whole procedure & any other items that may require attention-this then followed by a quote

Accurate Car Diagnostics Brisbane

Accurate diagnostics is a organized procedure that cannot be underestimated – I stress to you reading this blog- do your homework!

Now with hybrids-electric vehicles we are living in the most exciting times- does that scare me..,? Not at all- because the organized process can be adapted to anything once you know how.

 These parts changers who I have as opposition-using gimmicks & cheap price servicing will fall on their swords because you get what you pay for.

Knowledge is power- Power is organized effort!.

Call Manny on 0411 496 621 today.

To Serve To Perform To Guide- Bringing Automotive power to the people

At Manny’s Mechanical Repairs you are in good hands, our main services include, Safety CertificatesLogbook ServiceFree Pickup & Delivery, and Car Cooling System Repairs.

We have the latest diagnostic equipment and my work van is fitted out with an industrial air compressor. This enables me to perform heavy duty work and give you – the customer – the best service at any place and at any time.

For Bookings and enquiries, please contact us on 0411 496 621email us at or visit our site